Sunday 9 November 2008

Adelyn Says...

Hello everyone. Seems like no one really updates this space any more. So I thought I'd just drop by and post something here. =D

Meeting up with Su Yin last night (and Jebat a few weeks ago) kind of struck a chord. Talking to them about what's been going on with the rest of the Tribe and what goes on during camp reminds me a lot about camps and KLCC lunches.

I honestly can't believe that it's been about half a year since I've left MPYO and let me tell you guys that I still reflect constantly on all the times we spent together as a group. MPYO was fun but you people from Tribal made everything even more enjoyable.

I'm not going to say keep-in-touch (because sometimes we people inevitably grow apart) but instead I really miss you guys and wish the best for all of you. Truly and sincerely.

On a more personal note good luck to James and Su Yin for SPM; Kelly, Tiki and Jebat for the As. Cheers!



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